目的构建肠道病毒71型SHZH03、SHZH98、SHZH-001以及具有中枢神经毒性的MS株的5′-UTR序列的系统发育树,研究我国肠道病毒71型的神经毒性和分子流行病学。方法以肠道病毒71型SHZH03株的基因组RNA为模板,通过RT-PCR方法,扩增5非编码区(5′-UTR)序列,将其克隆至pGEM(-T载体中,对其进行序列测定,与我国早期分离的肠道病毒71型SHZH98、SHZH-001以及具有神经毒性的肠道病毒71型标准株MS的5′-UTR序列进行比较分析。结果 SHZH03株的5′-UTR序列全长743bp,与SHZH98株的5′-UTR序列的同源性为99.2%,与具有中枢神经毒性的BrCr株的5′-UTR序列的同源性为94.2%。结论我国分离的SHZH03株和SHZH98株的5′-UTR序列同源性高,而与具有中枢神经毒性的MS株的5′-UTR序列有较大差异。
Objective Phylogenic tree of SHZH03,SHZH98 and some other Enterovirus71 based on 5,-UTR was analyzed.Methods The full viral genome was obtained by RT-PCR,and the sequences of 5,-UTR were determined and the phylogenic tree based on 5,-UTR was completed by DNA-STAR software.Results The genetic relationship between SHZH03 and some SHZH98 strains is close,but the genetic relationship between SHZH03 and MS is far.Conclusions Our research makes us to deduce a conclusion that SHZH03 may have the same genotype with SHZH98 strains and provides us a good basis for the study on Enterovirus71.
Journal of Public Health and Preventive Medicine