目的探讨口服鲨烯对谷氨酸钠(Monosodium glutamate,简称为MSG)肥胖大鼠的体重、体脂以及脏器指数的影响。方法选择30只新生Wistar雄性大鼠,20只用于建立MSG肥胖大鼠模型,另外10只作为阴性对照组(注射等量生理盐水)。断奶时将MSG大鼠随机等分成试验组和模型对照组,分别饲喂含有鲨烯(1000mg/kg)的饲料和基础饲料,阴性对照组喂饲基础饲料。每2周称量体重1次。测定22周龄时大鼠体重、体脂肪含量及脏器系数(心脏体重系数、肾脏体重系数、睾丸体重系数)。结果试验组大鼠体重显著低于(P<0.05)对照组体重,与模型对照组相比,体脂肪显著降低(P<0.05),心脏、肾脏、睾丸体重系数增加,且心脏系数差异显著(P<0.05)。结论鲨烯能够有效的拮抗MSG引起的肥胖,增加脏器重量与脏器系数,促进生殖系统的发育。
Objective To evaluate the effect of squalene on body fat and organ weight in male obese rats treated with MSG(Monosodium glutamate).Methods 30 male Wistar rat pups were randomly divided to create the model of obesity(n=20).The negative control group(n=10)received equivalent volume of saline during the same period.After weaning,obese rats were divided into trial groups fed with squalene-containing(1000 mg/kg) diet orally,and model group given a regular control diet same as the negative control group.Body weight was taken every 2 weeks.All the rats were sacrificed at 22nd week.The body fat and organ coefficient including heart,kidney and testicle were measured.Results Following squalene feeding,the weight of trial group were significant lower(P〈0.05)as compared with control groups.Compared with the model group,the body fat(%)of trial group was significant lower(P〈0.05),the organ coefficient was higher,and the heart coefficient had significant difference(P〈0.05).Conclusions The method of establishing the obese rat was successful.Data suggested that squalene may counteract the increase of body fat and organs' weight and promote the development of reproductive system in MSG-obese rats.
Journal of Public Health and Preventive Medicine
MSG-Obese Rats
Organs Coefficient