矿图符号库设计与实现是矿业地理信息系统(Mining GeographicalInform ation System ,MGIS)建设的一项重要基础性工作。本文在地图符号库的面向对象技术与引用接口设计研究工作积累的基础上,进一步论述了MGIS中矿图符号库设计的几个关键技术; 借鉴其它软件设计思想, 用VisualC+ + 5.0
Design and development of mine map symbol base constitute a key fundamental work for the construction of MGIS.Following a description of the result of study on object-oriented technology and reference design,the paper brings to light several key technigues for designing the symbol base.The base developed is managed with visual C++5.0 ODBC database by using the other softwares design concepts for reference.
Mine Surveying