3David Herman, Brian McHale, and James Phelan. Options for Teaching Narrative Theory. MLA, forthcoming.
4Robyn R. Warhol - Down. "Chapter fourteen. Gender. " Options for Teaching Narrative Theory. Ed. David Herman et al. MLA, forthcoming.
5James Phelan. Living to Tell about It. Ithaca: Cornell UP, 2005.
6Wayne Booth. The Rhetoric of Fiction. Chicago: U of Chicago P,1961.
7Wayne C. Booth. Resurrection of the Implied Author: Why Bother? A Companion to Narrative Theory. Ed. James Phelan , Peter Rabinowitz. Oxford: Blackwell, 2005.
8Dan Shen. "Booth' s The Rhetoric of Fiction and China' s Critical Context. " Narrative 15.2 (2007): 167 - 86.
9Seymour Chatman. Story and Discourse. Ithaca: Cornell UP, 1978.