
管理能力、关系收益与顾客资产的关系研究——对组织市场客户服务的实证分析 被引量:1

Research on Relation of Customer Relationship Management Capabilities,Relationship Benefits and Customer Asset:An Empirical Investigation on Customer Service in the Business Market
摘要 本文通过综合的文献回顾与梳理,剖析了顾客关系管理能力的内涵及其主要维度,并在访谈基础上开发了顾客关系管理能力与关系收益和顾客资产的概念模型。然后,通过来自中国组织市场客户服务的调查数据,构建了结构方程模型,检验了各项顾客关系管理能力与经济收益、社会收益以及顾客资产的价值增值之间的关系。 Through systematic literature review, this paper explores the connotation and main dimensions of customer relationship management capability, and on the basis of empirical investigation, it develops a conceptual framework for customer relationship management capabilities, relationship benefits and customer asset.Based on the above, a structural equation model is developed by taking data about customer service from Chinese business market.Relationship of each kind of customer relationship management capability, economic and social benefit and added value of customer asset are examined.Some interesting conclusions are drawn respectively for researchers and managers.For researchers, this research may be a basis for further understanding how customer relationship management capability plays an important role of driving relationship benefits and customer asset.Although many firms have realized importance of customer relation management and understood that, customer asset is the key to competing in the era of "center of customer" for each firm, the theoretical and empirical research on the driving role of customer relation management on customer asset is relatively rare.We also explore how each kind of relationship capability plays different role of impacting on relation benefits and customer asset.We study the role of customer benefit of driving customer asset and find that, customer relationship management capability impacts on customer asset value through relationship benefit.For managers, based on our research, they should deeply understand driving role of each kind of relationship capability as well as its operating process and multiple roles of relationship benefits in between.Also in the process of customer relationship management, managers should manage resource input in the different process of customer relationship management.Besides this, firm should strengthen resource input into customer relation sustaining capability and foster it carefully, in that, customer relationship sustaining capability has a strong impact on customer economic benefit and economic benefit has positive impact on added value of customer asset.In practice, firm should emphasize customer retaining as well as customer loyalty and then should set it as a standard of firm performance.
出处 《南开管理评论》 CSSCI 北大核心 2010年第5期107-114,143,共9页 Nankai Business Review
基金 中国博士后科学基金面上资助项目(20080441045) 南京大学商学院科研基金资助
关键词 顾客关系管理能力 关系收益 顾客资产 Customer Relationship Capability Relationship Benefits Customer Asset
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