
差流膜法除湿器空气处理过程的分析 被引量:3

Exergy Analysis of Air Processes in Cross Flow Membrane-based Dehumidifier
摘要 本文基于差流膜法除湿器空气处理过程的热质传递分析,利用热力学第二定律,研究了在夏季工况下,热量损、机械损、化学损和总损随操作压力的变化规律;探讨了原料气质量流量和膜面积的变化对单位换热量引起的损(ELPH)的影响,结果发现,机械损和化学损对空气除湿过程的影响较大;而ELPH受除湿器的结构参数、原料气的质量流量和系统操作压力的影响,并存在一个最优操作压力使ELPH最小。 The heat and mass transfer process for the cross flow membraned-based exchanger was analyzed.Using the second law of thermodynamics,thermal exergy loss,mechnical exergy loss,latent exergy and total exergy loss were studied under the typical summer operating condition;the effects of mass velocity about feed gas and membrane area on the exergy loss per quantity of heat exchanged(ELPH) were discussed.It was found that the mechnical exergy and latent exergy loss influnced the dehumidified capabilities most.The results also indicated that the configration parameters of the dehumififier,the mass velocity of the feed gas and the operating pressure of the system would influnce the ELPH.There existed an optimal operating pressur where the ELPH was the least.
出处 《流体机械》 CSCD 北大核心 2010年第10期74-77,86,共5页 Fluid Machinery
基金 国家"十一五"国家科技支撑计划重大项目(2006BAJ01A05) 江苏省高校自然科学研究项目(10KJD520004)
关键词 膜法除湿器 热质交换 损 除湿性能 membrane-based dehumidifier heat and mass transfer exergy loss dehumidified capabilities
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