
56例腺样体肥大患儿血清14种食物过敏原特异性IgG抗体的检测 被引量:4

Food intolerance test in children with adenoid hypertrophy
摘要 目的通过对腺样体肥大患儿进行食物不耐受检测,了解腺样体肥大患儿食物过敏情况。方法选取新疆医科大学第一附属医院耳鼻咽喉科2008年4月~2009年12月收住的腺样体肥大患儿56例。其中男性36例,女性20例。年龄1~12岁,平均5.3岁。抽取腺样体肥大患儿静脉血2ml,分离血清,采用酶联免疫法,按试剂盒说明书检测患儿血清14种食物过敏原IgG水平。结果 56例腺样体肥大患儿进行食物不耐受检测,其中53例结果阳性,阳性率达94.64%。食物特异性IgG升高以鸡蛋最高(94.64%),其次是牛奶(91.07%)及鳕鱼(26.79%)。结论食物不耐受可能是腺样体肥大患儿的潜在病因之一,食物过敏原检测可以作为临床治疗的参考之一,并可指导腺样体肥大患儿的饮食。 Objective To investigate food hypersensitivity of children with adenoid hypertrophy by food intolerance test.Methods 56 children with adenoid hypertrophy were enrolled: including 36 boys and 20 girls,aged between 1 to 12,hospitalized in the first affiliated hospital of Xinjiang Medical University from April,2008 to December,2009.2 ml venous blood was collected and extracted into serum from each object.Enzymelinked immunosorbent assay method was applied to detect serum levels of specific IgG antibody to 14 kinds of food in 56 children with adenoid hypertrophy.Results The positive rate was 94.64% in 56 cases with adenoid hypertrophy.The positive rates of 14 food allergen IgG were as follow: egg 94.64%,milk 91.07%,morrhua 26.79%.Conclusion Food intolerance maybe one cause of adenoid hypertrophy in children.So food intolerance test is a useful method for children with adenoid hypertrophy to find food allergen and guideline for diet of these children.
出处 《新疆医科大学学报》 CAS 2010年第8期974-975,978,共3页 Journal of Xinjiang Medical University
关键词 特异性IGG抗体 食物过敏原 腺样体肥大 过敏性疾病 specific IgG antibody food allergen adenoid hypertrophy allergic disease
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