以鸡胚背根神经节无血清培养及大鼠子鼠脑神经细胞无血清培养作为模型 ,检测以新生小牛脑为原料制备的低分子脑提取物对神经细胞突起生长的作用。结果表明 :(1)低分子脑提取物可促进鸡胚背根神经节神经突起的生长 ,加入低分子脑提取物 48h后 ,神经节周围长出突起 ,随着时间的推移 ,神经突起生长得长而密 ,相互交织在一起。 (2 )借助图像分析仪 ,以大鼠子鼠脑神经细胞神经突起平均数及神经突起平均长度为指标 ,观察到低分子脑提取物能促进神经细胞神经突起生长。低分子脑提取物经HPLC分析 ,在 2 80nm部分可分为 5个组分 ,究竟是哪一组分或哪几组分起促神经突起生长作用 ,尚需进一步研究。
In order to study on the effect of low molecular weight substance extracted from neonatal calf brain on neurite formation, the substance was added in the 2 serum free media in which chick embryo dorsal root ganglion and neonatal rat brain cells were cultured respectively. The result showed that neurite began to grow around chick embryo dorsal root ganglion 48 h after the substance was added in, and became long and dense until cross linked as time goes on. The average number and length of neurites of neonatal rat brain cells were also significantly increased 24 h after the substance was added in. It proved that the low molecular weight substance could promote neurite formation. Five peaks were observed on the HPLC profile of the substance at the wavelength of 280 nm.The effect of each fraction should be further studied.
Chinese Journal of Biologicals