
连续流A/O/A工艺中反硝化聚磷菌的富集及种群跟踪 被引量:2

Enrichment of Denitrifying Phosphate Accumulating Bacteria (DPB) and Population Tracking in the Continuous A/O/A Technology
摘要 [目的]为反硝化除磷工艺的实际应用提供依据。[方法]利用连续流A/O/A工艺富集反硝化聚磷菌,并采用平板计数法和PCR-DGGE法对功能菌群进行跟踪和鉴定。[结果]活性污泥中的反硝化菌、聚磷菌和反硝化聚磷菌分别增加了7.1×102、8.1×104和8.0×105倍;稳定运行时活性污泥中存在3种优势菌种,a菌群与产碱杆菌属的同源性高达96%,为反硝化聚磷菌;b菌群与副球菌属的同源性高达94%,同样为反硝化聚磷菌;c菌群与紫色杆菌属的同源性高达96%,既是一种反硝化菌,也是一种酵解菌。其中副球菌具有反硝化聚磷功能尚未见报道;稳定运行出水指标为:COD47.0mg/L、PO34--P0.2mg/L、NH4+-N2.6mg/L和NO3--N3.5mg/L。[结论]采用先启动膜法硝化池、后启动泥法反硝化除磷池(厌氧和缺氧)的功能菌富集方式是可行的,且A/O/A工艺是可达到《城镇污水处理厂污染物排放标准》(GB18918-2002)一级A标准的要求。 [ Objection] The research aimed to provide the basis for the practical application of the denitrifying phosphorus removal technology. [ Method] The continuous A/O/A technology was used to enrich denitrifying phosphate accumulating bacteria. Plate count and DGGE-PCR methods were adopted to track and identify the functional bacteria. [ Result ] The amount of denitrifying bacteria/phosphate accumulating bacteria and DPB increased 7.1 ×10^2 ,8.1 ×10^4 and 8.0×10^5 times in the activated sludge. Under stable operation conditions there were three types of dominant bacteria in the activated sludge, a had 96% homology with Alcaligenes sp. and was a kind of DPB. b had 94% homology with Paracoccus sp. and also was a kind of DPB. c has 96% homology with Janthinobacterium sp. and was a kind of denitrifying bacteria and glycolysis bacteria. Paracoccus sp. had the function of denitrifying and phosphate accumulating and was first reported. During the stable operation the related indicators of the secondary sedimentation tank were COD 47mg/L, pO3^4- -P 0.2 mg/L, NH4 -N 2.6 mg/L and NO3- -N 3.5 mg/L . [ Conclusion] First start up membrane nitrification tank, then start up denitrifying phosphorus removal tank( anaerobic and anoxic), enrichment approach of functional bacterial is feasible. The A/O/A technology can reach the first standard value(A) of Discharge Standard of Pollutants for Municipal Waste'water Treatment Plant ( GB 18918-2002 ).
出处 《安徽农业科学》 CAS 北大核心 2010年第24期13329-13332,共4页 Journal of Anhui Agricultural Sciences
基金 广东自然科学基金项目(06022869 07003251) 广州市海珠区科技计划项目(2007-Z-023) 广东省教育厅资助项目(LYM08067)
关键词 反硝化聚磷 反硝化聚磷菌(DPB) PCR—DGGE 生物除磷 Denitrifying phosphate accumulating Dcnitrifying phosphate accumulating bacteria PCR-DGGE Biological phosphate removal
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