
汶川震后4-10个月北川板房区老年人心理健康变化趋势 被引量:3

Mental Health Change Tendency of Aging Victims in Beichuan Area 4-10 Months after Wenchuan Earthquake
摘要 目的:追踪调查5.12地震10个月后,极重灾区老年人心理健康变化趋势。方法:采用自编震后受灾群众基本状况登记表、中国心理健康量表(老年版)和事件影响量表,追踪调查北川安昌镇板房区146位受灾老人。结果:老年灾民在认知效能、情绪体验、适应能力维度和心理健康总分上,地震后水平均显著低于震前;震后4个月与震后10个月相比,受灾老人的心理健康总分及各个维度分值差异不显著。除侵扰症状外,PTSD总分及唤醒、逃避症状水平前后差异不显著。结论:汶川震后,极重灾区老年人的心理健康状况随时间的延长并未发生好转。近一年后,其情绪水平仍较低,可能与其不能良好适应生活环境,以及较少的社会支持有关。 Objective: To explore mental health status of the elder adults in serious seismic areas 10 months after Wenchuan earthquake.Methods: In a follow-up study,146 elder adults living in shelter houses in Beichuan were administered two scales,Chinese Mental Health Inventory-Elderly and the Impact of Event Scale-Revised.Results: The score of mental health of the aging victims at the 4th month post-earthquake was lower than that at the 4th month pre-earthquake,and there was no level difference between the 4th month and the 10th month after the disaster,so were the scale scores of post-traumatic stress disorder.Conclusion: The elder adults’ mental health status has no change with the extension of time nearly one year after the serious disaster.
出处 《中国临床心理学杂志》 CSSCI CSCD 2010年第5期626-628,647,共4页 Chinese Journal of Clinical Psychology
基金 中国科协"汶川大地震灾民心理援助中长期规划"项目(113000H369) 科技部863重点项目"5.12地震灾民社区心理救援与心理调控模式研究"(2008AA021204)
关键词 汶川地震灾区 心理健康状况 老年灾民 追踪研究 Post-traumatic Mental health status The older adults follow-up study
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