
确保引黄供水水质的措施和建议 被引量:1

Measures and Suggestions on Ensuring Water Quality of the YRDP
摘要 引黄工程建设的成败主要取决于:工程本身各种水工建筑物质量的优劣;引来水的水量是否达到设计标准;水的质量是否符合国标引用水标准。本文笔者就如何保证供水水质达标的措施和建议进行了论述。 Six parts are included in this paper.Ensuring of the conservation of environment during the period of construction.In this part,the writer summarized mainly the measures which have been taken since the YRDP was started,such as the making of stipulations,setting up the supervision organization for environment conservation during the period of construction.Ensuring of the water quality in the Fenhe Reservoir and in the upper reaches of the Fenhe River upstream of the Fenhe Reservoir after the YRDP has been put into operation.The measures that have been taken by the YRDP itself for ensuring the water quality.In this part,that the water delivery scheme by pineline from the Fenhe Reservoir to Huyan Water Treatment Plant,Taiyuan City has been selected instead of that by the Fenhe River course for the water diverted from the Yellow River to avoid being polluted by the water of the Fenhe River which is being polluted seriously was given as an example.It is most important to keep the water quality well in the upper reaches of the Fenhe River upstream of the Fenhe Reservoir.The Fenhe River course,81.2 km long,upsteam of the Fenhe Reservoir is to be used as a part of the water conveyance line of the YRDP,therefore the writer pointed out that it is most important for the health of residents,Taiyuan City to keep the water quality well of the Fenhe River upstream the Fenhe Reservoir.Factors that influence the water quality in the upper reaches of the Fenhe River.The main factors that influence the water quality in the upper reaches of the Fenhe River were pointed out are: a) the poisonous waste water produced by industries and mines. b) the domestic waste water which originates from cities and towns along the river,being directly discharged into the river without any treatment.The other factors pointed out are: c) the household waste and industrial waste materials dumped into the river or piled near by the river,d) drainage from farmland and e) the soil and water loss.The water flow coming from the soil and water loss area carries a large quantities of chemical fertilizer beside sediment.Suggestions A lot of suggestions are put forward.For the upper reaches of the Fenhe River,the writer hold that there should be an overall planning for the comprehensive regulation,the main points should be stressed and a time limit should be set in the regulation work,the function of flood control,water delivery and irrigation should be considered in an all-round way in the regulation. As to the section of the Fenhe River having a special function for water quality of the YRDP,the writer suggests that it must be regarded as the first priority over the other main points to be regulated.In addition,the other suggestions such as regular monitoring of the water quality and sediment in the upper reaches of the Fenhe River,following-up the main sources of pollution,strengthening of the pollution control for the Yellow River and so on are also put forward.
作者 郑友三
出处 《山西水利科技》 1999年第2期1-3,共3页 Shanxi Hydrotechnics
关键词 引黄工程 供水水质 措施 环境保护 水环境 the YRDP Water Quality Measure Suggestion
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