
评估实验室用水中新兴污染物的存在和影响 被引量:2

Evaluating the Presence and Impact of Emerging Contaminants in Laboratory Water
摘要 随着分析技术灵敏度的不断改进以及新的污染物的出现,提高实验室用水的纯度水平已经成为持久不变的目标。新的污染物的出现以及对水中极低浓度水平污染物的检测能力的提高对科学家和水纯化系统的研发人员提出了一个持续的挑战。科学界必须对可能影响实验室分析的这些污染物保持警惕。此外,这些污染物的浓度水平也是我们需要关注的一个方面。科学家们和供水系统的制造商必须一起合作,以确保现有的纯化技术能够有效地去除那些可能影响实验室结果的污染物,并根据需要来设计新的策略。 As the sensitivity of analytical techniques keeps improving and new contaminants emerge, there is a constant need for laboratory water to reach new levels of purity. The emergence of new contaminants and the ability to detect existing ones in water at extremely low levels present an ongoing challenge to both scientists and developers of water purification systems. The scientific community must remain mindful of how these contaminants might impact laboratory analyses and the concentration levels that may be cause for concern. Scientists and water system manufacturers must work together to ensure existing purification technologies are effectively removing contaminants that can affect laboratory results and design new strategies as needed.
出处 《生命科学仪器》 2010年第5期16-18,共3页 Life Science Instruments
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