
美国外资并购国家安全审查制度的新发展 被引量:16

The Latest Development of U.S.National Security Review System on Foreign Acquisitions
摘要 "9.11"之后,伴随美国对国家安全的关注度加强,2007年和2008年美国相继出台了FINSA和《外国人合并、收购、接管条例》,对美国外资并购国家安全审查制度做出了重大修改,涉及到审查对象、审查标准、审查程序和审查机构等方面。对审查对象的修改,主要是对"受管辖的并购交易"的范围进行了明确,同时对"不受管辖的并购交易"做出了列举。对审查标准的修改,主要体现在对"关键性基础设施"做出了界定,增加了CFIUS在审查时所考虑的6项因素,明确了与"国家安全"相关的"国家安全担忧"。对审查程序的修改,增加了审查前磋商、交易方须提供的信息,规定了并购交易审查的重新提起程序。对审查机构的修改,主要体现在增加和变动了CFIUS的成员,引入了牵头部门,加强了国会监督。 In 2007 and 2008,the U.S.government issued FINSA and Regulations Pertaining to Mergers,Acquisitions,and Takeovers by Foreign Persons in succession,which amended the national security review system of the United States on foreign acquisitions.The amendments involve four aspects:review object,review standard,review procedure and review institution.As regards review object,the amendments clearly define the scope of "covered transaction" and list "transactions that are not covered transactions".As regards review standard,the amendments define "critical infrastructure",add 6 more factors that CFIUS need to take into account,and define "national security consideration" related with "national security".As regards review procedure,the amendments require consultation with CFIUS before formal notice,and add information to be provided,stipulate the restart of review procedure in certain conditions.As regards review institution,the amendments add new members to CFIUS,introduce the "lead agency",and enhance supervision of the Congress.
作者 韩龙 沈革新
出处 《时代法学》 CSSCI 2010年第5期93-103,共11页 Presentday Law Science
基金 韩龙教授主持的2008年国家社会科学基金重点项目"防范和化解国际金融风险和危机的制度建构研究"(批准号:08AJY013) 中华人民共和国司法部2007年国家法治和法学理论研究项目"金融风险防范法律制度研究--以我国金融业对外开放为重心"(批准号:07SFB2046)的阶段性研究成果
关键词 外资并购 国家安全审查 FINSA 新发展 foreign mergers and acquisitions national security review new development
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  • 7Regulations Pertaining to Mergers, Acquisitions, and Takeovers by Foreign Persons(2008 ), Sec. 800. 401 (f).
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  • 10Regulations Pertaining to Mergers, Acquisitions, and Takeovers by Foreign Persons (2008), Sec. 800. 801 : Penalties.


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