
多参数联合自适应通信抗干扰决策引擎研究 被引量:2

Research on Multiple Parameters Adaptation in Anti-jamming Communication Decision Engine
摘要 为提高通信抗干扰决策的科学性和有效性,本文基于认知无线电思想设计了一种多参数联合自适应抗干扰决策引擎,实现抗干扰系统参数的自适应选择。文章用遗传算法作为决策算法,并给出了该方法的流程及仿真分析。实验结果表明,抗干扰决策引擎能够对单目标函数以及有偏好的多目标函数的参数进行自适应选择,验证了抗干扰决策引擎参数自适应选择的可行性。 To improve the scientific and efficiency of anti-jamming,this paper design an multiple parameters adaptation in anti-jamming communication decision engine,making the parameters be adaptive selected.Genetic algorithm is used as the decision method,the procedure of the method and simulation analysis were presented.Experimental results show that the decision engine can make the parameters select adaptively not just for single objective function but also for multiple objective function,which validate the feasibility of the anti-jamming communication decision engine.
出处 《中国新通信》 2010年第21期9-12,共4页 China New Telecommunications
关键词 抗干扰 决策引擎 遗传算法 参数选择 anti-jamming decision engine genetic algorithm parameters select
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