The structural aspects of the posterior midgut cecum of penaeas chineasis wereexamined by using the optical and electron microscope on the paraffin and ultra^thinsections. And the physiological function was studied using enzyme cytochemistrytechnique by marking the specific digestive enzyme. The following conclusion wasobtained: (1) In the interphase of exuviation, the connective tissue stores up thenutrient which comes from the midgut, the epithelial cellsabsorb the nutrient fromthe connective tissue and excrete partial metabolin to the cecum cavity by way ofapocrine secretion after the intracellular metabolism, then, excrete the metabolinto the intestine as a result of the contraction of the external muscle of the cecum'there are digestiye enzymes in the secretory product of the epithelial cells andThey have the function of extracellular digestion. (2) In the phase of exuviation.the nutrient which has been stored up in the connective tissue of the posteriormidgut cecum is transported to the position where it is needed by the circulatorysystem in order to meet the nutritional need in the fasting phase. Therefore, theposterior midgut cecum of penaeas Chinensis has the function of adjusting thenutritive equilibrium and secreting partial digestive enzyme.Acknowledgments: The Authors thanks UNESCO for its support of this researchunder tile UNESCO confract No. 861. 359. 8
Transactions of Oceanology and Limnology
联合国教科文组织项目!UNESCO 861.359.8