
英国劳动力移民的住房政策及启示 被引量:8

Some Enlightenment from Housing Policies for Immigrant Labors in the UK
摘要 英国历史上经历过两次大规模的移民潮:一次是19世纪工业革命时期从农村转移到城市(如伦敦)的农村劳动力移民(国内移民)湖,另一次是20世纪战后经济恢复期从新英联邦各国流入到英国各大城市的外籍劳动力移民(国外移民)潮。两次大规模的移民潮都不同程度地带来了各种社会问题,其中住房市场供需失衡引发了严重的住房问题。中央及地方政府虽然制定了各项法律政策试图解决贫困劳动者的住房问题,但现实情况的多样性和复杂性,造成了政策实践与政策理念之间的背离,因而影响了贫困劳动者住房问题的全面解决。文章总结分析了两大历史时期针对劳动者移民的住房政策的特征,探讨了地方政府的自由裁量权在解决劳动者移民的住房问题上所发挥的作用及存在的问题。 There were two times of immigrant rush in the United Kingdom in the nineteenth and the twentieth centries. One happened during the Industrial Revolution in Britain when a large number of rural labors came to cities, such as, London; the other during the period of the Post-war Recovery of UK when an influx of labors from the Commonwealth of England immigrated to large cities in UK. Both immigrant rushes sparked serious social problems, especially a housing problem due to the terrible unbalance between the supply and the demand in housing market. The central and local governments in UK enacted many laws and rules for solving the housing problem. However, they did not work well due to the diversity and the complexity of the reality. In this paper, the characteristics of housing policies enacted in different times in UK are analyzed. The discretionary power of local authorities in UK for solving the housing problem of the immigrants is discussed in detail.
作者 李晶
出处 《国际城市规划》 CSSCI 北大核心 2010年第5期103-107,114,共6页 Urban Planning International
关键词 劳动力移民 公共住房政策 自由裁量权 Immigrant Labors Public Housing Policy Discretionary Power
  • 相关文献


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  • 4E.R.Dewsnup.The Housing Problem in England. . 1907
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  • 7Statistical Society of London. Journal of the Statistical Society of London . 1848
  • 8Ministry of Housing and Local Government Circular. . 241966
  • 9National Committee for Commonwealth Immigrants.The Housing of Commonwealth Immigrants. . 1968
  • 10Stephen Merrett.State Housing in Britain. . 1979










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