
从油菜坡生长的乡村小说——晓苏先生访谈录 被引量:12

Novels of Local Colorism from Cole Plots——An Interview with Xiao Su
摘要 晓苏先生系华中师范大学文学院教授、《语文教学与研究》杂志主编、中国作家协会会员、湖北省作家协会全委会委员。自1985年在《长江文艺》发表小说以来,在国内十几种文学刊物上发表小说近400万字,并出版有五部长篇小说:《五里铺》、《大学故事》、《成长记》、《苦笑记》和《求爱记》,两部中篇小说集:《重上娘山》、《路边店》,八部短篇小说集:《山里人山外人》、《黑灯》、《狗戏》、《麦地上的女人》、《中国爱情》、《金米》、《吊带衫》和《麦芽糖》等。曾获《长江文艺》小说奖、湖北省第四届"文艺明星"奖、首届蒲松龄全国短篇小说奖、第三届湖北文学奖、第六届屈原文艺奖。本文作者对晓苏先生进行了采访,晓苏先生认为油菜坡这样一个地方在他的小说中有着特别的意义,他的一系列的乡村小说就是从这里生长起来的,他还联系自己的小说文本,对其小说创作与自然环境的关系,底层经验的获得,文学与性的关系,文体建构等问题分别进行了探讨。 Xiao Su is Professor of Chinese at Humanities School, Central China Normal University, editor-inchief of Philological Teaching & Studies, member of China Writer' s Association and member of executive committee of Writers' Association of Hubei Province. He has published short stories and novelettes amounting to 4 million words in more than a dozen literary journals at home since his first publication in Arts of Yangtze River, 1985. His major publications involve five book length novels--Wulipu, Campus Anecdotes, Story of Growth, Forces Smile, Story of Dating, two collections of novelettes--Return to Mount Mum, Roadside Store, and eight collections of short stories--Mountaineers and Non-mountaineers, Dark Light, Drama of Dog, Woman in the Cornfield, Chinese Romance, Golden Rice, Suspenders, Malt Sugar. Professor Xiao has won various honors and awards, namely, Prize for Novels awarded by Arts of Yangtze River, The Forth Literary New Star Prize of Hubei Province, The First Pu Songling Prize for Short Stories, The Third Prize of Literature of Hubei Province and The Six Qu Yuan Prize for Arts. In this interview Professor Xiao highly regards the significance of cole plot in his short stories and novels and says that his series of local colorist stories develop themselves out of this background. Professor Xiao relates to, by associating with his own text, the relation between literary creation and natural environment, the issues of life experience, sex and literature, and stylistic construction.
作者 杜雪琴
出处 《世界文学评论(长江文艺出版社)》 2010年第2期9-14,共6页 The World Literature Criticism
关键词 油菜坡 乡村小说 小说创作与自然环境 底层经验 文学与性 文体建构 cole plot local colorism literary creation and natural environment life experience sex and literature stylistic construction
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