

Myths in Influence Study:A Case Study of the Influence of Chinese Opera on Thornton Wilder
摘要 影响研究是比较文学研究的主要方法之一,是一种重视事实材料和客观分析的实证研究方法。但很多研究者却违背了这种方法的基本要求。论证过程不仅缺乏事实材料支撑,而且误读、误断、人为夸大之处屡见不鲜。本文以中国戏曲对桑顿.怀尔德的影响这一论题为个案,指出了一些典型研究中的诸多误区,以期引起研究者的注意。 Influence study is one of the major approaches employed by researchers of comparative literature, which is an empirical method stressing factuality and objective analysis. Against a backdrop of the present flourishing of comparative literature study in China, some of the influence study practitioners have regretfully diverged from its basic requirements. Not only solid supportive materials are sometimes absent, but misreading, misjudging, and exaggerating also occur from time to time. This essay anatomizes the typical studies on the influence of Chinese opera on Thornton Wilder and points out many unsatisfactory practices in them, which, this essay hopes, might draw the attention of comparative literature researchers.
出处 《世界文学评论(长江文艺出版社)》 2010年第2期208-211,共4页 The World Literature Criticism
关键词 影响研究 误读 误断 夸大 桑顿·怀尔德 中国戏曲 influence study misreading misjudging exaggerating Thornton Wilder Chinese opera
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