
激光显微探针^(40)Ar/^(39)Ar定年进入了人类历史领域——评美国伯克莱地质年代学中心最新研究成果和年轻火山岩的定年极限 被引量:2

Laser Microprobe ^(40)Ar/^(39)Ar Dating into the Realm of the Human History A Review of the Latest Result of the Berkeley Geochronology Center and a dating limit of K-Ar geochronology
摘要 美国伯克莱地质年代学中心P.R.Renne等(1997)对采自意大利维苏威火山公元79年爆发喷出物中的透长石,进行了激光显微探针^(40)Ar/^(39)Ar定年,从46个分析数据中得到了^(40)Ar/^(39)Ar等时线年龄为1925±94 a,接近于与现今使用的格里历1918年前一致。这证明激光显微探针^(40)Ar/^(39)Ar定年法的可信度已扩展到记录人类历史的时间范畴。Renne等的最新研究成果把30多年来K-Ar地质年代学者对特别年轻火山岩的定年研究带入了一个新阶段,它为与晚新生代地质年代学有关的各种研究提供了一有力工具。 Sanidines collected from the pumice deposited by the Plinian eruption of Vesuvius in A. D. 79 were dated by P. R. Renne et al. (1997) using the laser incrememtal heating method, and a 40Ar/39Ar isochron age of 1925 ± 94 a were obtained from 46 data, which is in good. Agreement with the Gregorian calendar-based age of 1918 a BP. This demonstrates that the 40Ar/39Ar method can be reliably extended into the range of the recorded history. The latest results contributed by P. R. Renne and his colleagues bring the geochronology into a new stage. It has provided a powerful potential tool for the study of the Late Cenozoic volcanic rocks.
作者 穆治国
出处 《地质论评》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 1999年第4期390-393,共4页 Geological Review
关键词 激光显微探针 氩40-氩39 全新世 火山岩 laser microprobe K-Ar geochronology Holocene
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  • 1穆治国,北京大学学报,1992年,28卷,6期,733页
  • 2穆治国,地球物理学报,1987年,30卷,3期,261页
  • 3刘嘉麟,岩石学报,1987年,4期,21页


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