本文研制了一种能用于临床和运动医学的乳酸生物传感针。该针能直接插入确定的肌肉组织中在体(in vivo)测定乳酸含量的动态变化过程。它的结构是:用高分子材料修饰已预处理好的针灸针,然后将乳酸氧化酶、过氧化氢酶交联其上,并用Nafion膜加以保护。本文讨论了pH、温度等对该传感器的影响,其线性范围为:4.8×10^(-6)-3.2×10^(-3)mol/L,响应时间为3mm。本生物传感针用于小鼠肌肉中乳酸含量的测定,并能分辨小鼠运动前和运动十分钟后乳酸含量的动态变化。
As an alternative method for monitoring whole blood lactate in clinical and sports medicine, a needle-type lactate biosensor for in vivo detection of lactate in muscular tissues is designed. It is constructed by a stainless steel needle, with the surface modified by a polymer material for the enzyme (lactate oxidase, LOD, Hydrogen peroxide oxidoreductase, HPO) immobilization. The influences of pH and temperature are discussed. It can be used to determine the substrates with the linear range 4. 8×10-6 - 3.2×10-3mol/L, and responses time is about 3 min. Some results in the detection of the lactate in vivo in muscular tissues of the mice and different concentrations of lactate for before and after exercise about 10min have been obtained.
Chemical Sensors