
量子点在电化学生物传感研究中的应用 被引量:4

Application of Quantum Dots in Electrochemical Biosensors
摘要 量子点(quantum dots,QDs)由于具有独特的光学、电化学和电致化学发光特性已受到广泛的重视,而利用量子点构建电化学生物传感器则是量子点最有前途的应用领域之一。量子点具有的高比表面积、高表面活性及小尺寸等特性使它对外界的光、电、温度等十分敏感,外界环境的微小改变就会迅速引起其表面或界面粒子价态和电子转移行为的显著变化,基于生物大分子引起的QDs表面电化学行为变化而构建的电化学生物传感器,其特点是响应灵敏高、速度快且选择性优良。本文对量子点的光学、电化学和电致化学发光特性做了简单介绍,并重点回顾了其在电致化学发光、免疫分析、DNA杂交、蛋白质检测、农药检测和糖类检测电化学生物传感研究中的应用。同时,对量子点在电化学生物传感研究中的应用前景及研究方向进行了评述和展望。 Quantum dots(QDs) have attracted enormous interest due to their many novel properties such as unique optical,electrochemical and electrochemical luminescence properties.One of the most active trends is the application of QDs in electrochemical and biological sensing,due to their high surface-to-volume ratio,high reactivity and small size.Slight changes in the external environment will lead to significant changes in particle valence and electron transfer.Based on these significant changes,QDs can be used to construct electrochemical biosensor with biological macromolecules,which is characterized by high sensitivity,rapid response and high selectivity.In this article,we review their applications in electrochemical luminescence sensors,immunosensors,DNA sensors,protein sensors,pesticide sensors and carbohydrate sensors.Meanwhile,the prospects and research directions of QDs are given based on the analysis of this research field.
出处 《化学进展》 SCIE CAS CSCD 北大核心 2010年第11期2179-2190,共12页 Progress in Chemistry
基金 四川省教育厅重点科研项目(No.08ZA053) 四川农业大学优秀硕士学位论文培育基金项目(No.YSPY1002)资助
关键词 量子点(QDs) 生物电分析化学 生物传感器 电致化学发光(ECL) 化学修饰电极 quantum dots (QDs) bioelectroanalysis biosensors electrochemical luminescence (ECL) chemically modified electrode
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