The greenhouse gases made during the industrial activities have made very bad effects: frequent natural disasters and extreme climate change.This causes the panic of earthman.However,the atmosphere,as special global public goods,should be paid much attention by all the countries of the world instead of some countries.So we need close international cooperation,especially the major powerful countries.The entering into force of "Kyoto Protocol" is an important milestone in the development of international climate regime,which is a symbol of a key step to the international cooperation on climate change and has a major impact on the world economy and international political relations.However,it has its limitations both in contents and in the effect.In particular,the USA which is the leading emitter of greenhouse gases refuses to ratify the "Kyoto Protocol".Thus the international cooperation on climate change under "Kyoto Protocol" has not played a proper role.This article analyzes the causes of climate change and tries to find out a way to the international cooperation and to the change.
Journal of Shiyan Technical Institute
Post-Kyoto Era
climate change
international cooperation