
甲状腺全切除术适应证及并发症探讨 被引量:21

Total thyroidectomy: indications and complications
摘要 目的 探讨甲状腺全切术手术适应证的选择和并发症防治.方法 回顾2007年4月至2010年6月51例甲状腺全切除术资料.乳头状腺癌48例,滤泡状腺癌1例,髓样癌2例;其中2例合并甲状腺功能亢进,3例合并远处转移.男17例,女34例;年龄5~82岁,中位数50岁;45例为首次手术,6例因复发或转移二次手术.初次手术的45例中T1 17例,T2 13例,T3 7例,T4 8例;NO 31例,N1a 11例,N1b 3例;M1 2例.手术常规解剖甲状旁腺、喉返神经及喉上神经外支,清扫Ⅵ区淋巴组织,其中25例清除Ⅱ~Ⅳ区淋巴组织.8例术后给[3]Ⅰ治疗.结果 随访1~36个月,无死亡病例,2年生存率100.0%(15/15).病理显示多发癌灶占42.2%(19/45),颈淋巴转移率51.0%(26/51).术后永久性甲状旁腺功能低下率为3.9%(2/51),无永久性喉返神经及喉上神经麻痹.1例髓样癌术后1年对侧颈淋巴结转移,再手术后无复发.初次治疗的2例M1患者远处转移病灶缩小稳定.结论 甲状腺全切除是安全的手术方式,术中解剖喉返神经及甲状旁腺可有效防止并发症的发生. Objective To investigate the indications and complications of the total thyroidectomy in the management of thyroid cancer. Methods Fifty-one patients with thyroid cancer operated with total thyroidectomy in a period from April 2007 to June 2010, were retrospective analyzed. There were 48 cases of papillary adnocarcinoma, 1 follicular adnocarcinoma, and 2 medullary carcinoma as well, 2 cases with hyperthyroidisms, 3 cases with remote metastasis. There were 17 males and 34 females who in their age ranged from 5 years old to 82 years old with a middle age of 50 years old. Among the 45 cases who were initial surgical management patients, there were 17 T1, 13 T2, 7 T3, 8 T4; and there were 31 NO, 11 N1a,3 N1b, 2 M1. The recurrent laryngeal nerve and the parathyroid gland, and supper laryngeal nerve were exposed routinely. Lymph nodes in Level Ⅵ were dissected in all patients, and Level Ⅱ -Ⅳ dissected in 25patients. 131Ⅰ were administrated in 8 patients. Results Patients were followed up from 1 month to 36months. There were no patients died and lost of follow up. The two years survival rate was 100. 0% ( 15/15 )Pathological examination showed that the multiple focal disease rate was 42. 2% ( 19/45 ), the cervical lymph nodes metastases rate was 51.0% (26/51). There was no permanent paralysis of recurrent laryngeal nerve and outer branch of supper laryngeal nerve. The permanent hypoparathyroidism rate was 3. 9%(2/51). One case with contralateral lymph node metastasis was reoperated and survived without disease.Two cases with remote metastasis were alive with steadied disease. Conclusions Under the skilled hand,total thyroidectomy is a safe procedure in the management of thyroid cancer. Totally exposing the parathyroid gland and laryngeal nerve is the key point to prevent the major complications.
出处 《中华耳鼻咽喉头颈外科杂志》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2010年第11期904-907,共4页 Chinese Journal of Otorhinolaryngology Head and Neck Surgery
关键词 甲状腺肿瘤 乳头状 腺癌 滤泡性 髓样 甲状腺切除术 Thyroid neoplasms Carcinoma, papillary Adenocarcinoma, follicular Carcinoma, medullary Thyroidectomy
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