在Multisim 10软件中,利用直流工作点分析、传递函数分析对典型差动放大电路的静态参数及动态参数进行仿真,并与真实值比较;利用参数扫描、温度扫描分析电路参数变化对输出波形的影响;利用瞬态分析和后处理器对实际电路难以观测的双端输出电压波形进行测试。研究表明,利用Multisim 10强大的分析功能对电子电路进行仿真测试,参数精确可靠,可以提高电路的设计和分析效率。
In Multisim 10, the static and dynamic parameters of the typical differential amplifing circuit were simulated and compared with the true values by using DC operating point and transfer function analysis. The influence of the change of circuit parameters on the output waveform was analyzed by using parameter scanning and temperature scanning. The double- end output voltage waveform which was hard to be observed in actual circuit was tested by the transient analysis and postpro- cessor. The results show that the simulation parameters of electronic circuits based on powerful analysis capability of Multisim 10 are high-accurate and reliable, and the efficiencies of design and analysis of circuits are improved.
Modern Electronics Technique