Web Service实现了真正意义上的平台独立性和语言独立性,是一种面向服务的分布式计算模式。这里介绍Web Service技术的基本概念、核心技术和特点,针对现在企业执行力的状况,结合Web Service完成了执行力管理系统的设计,通过分析执行力的需求,利用UML确定了系统的架构和功能模型,并结合J2EE给出了具体模块的实现,有效提高了系统的复用和重用,增加了系统的可移植性和扩展性,大大提高了企业的办公自动化效率。与传统执行力系统相比,该系统的高度集成性和B/S架构模式具有创新性。
The platform independence and language independence of Web Service are achieved, it is a service-oriented and distributed computing model. The basic concept, core technology and features of Web Service technology are introduced. Web Service is used to complete the implementation of the execution management system aiming at the status of business execution, UML is used to determine the structure and function model through analyzing the requirements of the system, the implemen- tation is given combined with J2EE, the multiplex and reuse of the system are improved, the system's portability and scalabili- ty are increased, the efficiency of office automation business is greatly improved. This system has high integration and B / S structure compared to the traditional execution systems.
Modern Electronics Technique