
作为哲学观想对象的基督宗教神学核心概念Person 被引量:3

Christian Theological Concept of Person Regarded as a Philosophical Subject
摘要 在多种学科中影响至今的拉丁文词源的persona概念,形成于基督宗教的教父时期;作为哲学的观想对象,这一概念和基督宗教的三位一体论有着直接的联系,教父时期的学者们以新柏拉图主义为工具,渐次营造了persona概念,这一概念的旨趣在于表述三位一体论中上帝的本质存在于关系存在的至一性;这个至一性也被以另外两个拉丁语词汇circumincessio和circuminsessio表述为一种相互的融入。奥古斯丁为三位一体论以及其中的persona概念的建构做出巨大努力,他以persona概念不仅在本体论上强调了上帝神性本性的至一性,而且同时也以此而提取出了三位一体的内在关系性,并由此而进入形上学的讨论,从而在历史中产生巨大影响。总之,无论是在本体论和形上学的层面、还是在历史发生论的层面上,无论是在伦理学和社会学层面上、还是在法学层面上,对persona概念作哲学的思考都具有重要意义。 The Latin-rooted term "Persona" whose affects are still somewhat recognizable in different domains today took shape during the Patristical period of Christianity, and especially developed itself as a philosophical Subject along the lines of doctrine of the Trinity. The Church Fathers rounded out the connotations of the Persona concept with the aid of Neoplatonism, which ultimately aimed at presenting the nature of Godhead in terms of Consubstantiality within different Relations and Properties. Also this substantial Oneness itself was further expressed as a mutual integration in terms of other two Latin words: "circumincessio" and "circuminsessio". St. Augustine, the main character in this stage of conceptual construction, used "Persona" as bricks to build up an Ontology of Consubstantiality of the Godheads, and thus elevated the theory of Trinity to the level of Metaphysics in a way that dominated the following discussions in history. In a word, the philosophical investigation into "Persona" has significant meanings for different disciplines such as Ethics, Sociologies and Laws at varied theoretical levels: Ontology, Metaphysics and historical Phylogenetics as well.
作者 徐龙飞
机构地区 北京大学哲学系
出处 《同济大学学报(社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2010年第5期1-20,共20页 Journal of Tongji University:Social Science Edition
关键词 三位一体 奥古斯丁 至一性 关系和属性 trinity Person St. Augustine consubstantiality relations and properties
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