4The Federal Hagardous Substances Act (USA) o Code of Federal Regulatious Title 16, Partsl500.3, 1500.4, 1500.41, National Archives of The United States, Washington DC. 1973.
6Hutyinger O.The Handbook of Enviromental Chemistry [M], V3 part F, Detergents, Berlin, Heidebery: Springer-Verlay, 1992.
7Swisher R.D., Surfactant Biodegradation ( 2ed ) , Surfactant Science Series V18[M], New York: Marcel Dekker, Inc. 1987.
8OECD.1993, Guidelines for Testing of Chemicals, Qrganization for Economic Cooperation and Develoment Method 301-B, Modifed Sturn Test.
9OECD.1993.Guidelines for Testing of Chemicals, Qrganization for Economic Cooperation and Develoment Method 301 -EReady Biodegradability.Man metric Respirometkg Test.