
事件驱动RFID系统开发及其应用 被引量:1

Development and Applications of Event-driven RFID System
摘要 随着RFID硬件技术的不断成熟和生产成本的不断降低,RFID已广泛应用于零售超市、物流与供应链管理、图书管理、设备与资产管理等实时监控和追踪领域。本文主要研究事件驱动的RFID系统开发方法,该方法通过将大量数据表示成不同类型事件(包括原始事件和复杂事件),设计了事件驱动的RFID事件处理框架。基于此框架,研究了基于Hash表事件过滤机制和复杂事件匹配方法,以实现对RFID事件流的实时分析与处理。最后,结合一个RFID模拟零售超市管理系统,验证了方法的可行性和有效性。 With the maturity and the low-cost production of RFID hardware technology, RFID has been widely used in retail supermarkets, logistics and supply chain management, library management, equipment and asset management and many other areas for real-time monitoring and tracking. The paper mainly discusses development methods for event-driven RFID system. This method designs a RFID event processing framework by the use of large numbers of different kinds of events, including the original events and complex events. On the basis of the framework, an event filtering mechanism and a complex event matching method based on hash table are presented, to realize real-time analysis and processing to RFID event streams. Finally, a simulating RFID retail supermarket management system is developed to prove the feasibility and effectiveness of the methods.
出处 《科技广场》 2010年第8期21-25,共5页 Science Mosaic
基金 国家自然科学基金项目(60863016) 江西省自然科学基金(2008GQS0019) 江西省教育厅科技重点项目(GJJ08343)资助
关键词 RFID 系统开发 事件驱动 复杂事件处理 RFID System Development Event-driven Complex Event Processing
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