近年来,办公自动化技术的应用在我国得到了快速的发展,办公自动化技术被各企事业单位广泛应用,成为各企事业单位提高工作效率、规范工作流程的重要手段,成为了当前企事业单位管理现代化的重要标志。本文结合工作流技术,研究并设计了一套基于Lotus Domino/Notes的高校办公自动化系统。
Recent years, the application of Office Automation (for short OA) has developed rapidly in our country. OA technology widely used to improve work efficiencies and to standardize workflow in enterprises and institutions and it has become the most important symbol of the modernization of enterprises management. Combining the technology of workflow, this paper researches and designs an OA System based on Lotus Domino/Notes Platform.
Science Mosaic