
重离子辐射诱导玉米突变体I478的特性研究 被引量:2

A Study on the Characteristics of the Mutant I478 of Maize Induced by Heavy Ion Irradiation
摘要 通过田间试验,对玉米自交系掖478和经重离子辐射掖478干种子所获得的突变体I478的主要农艺性状和配合力进行了比较分析,结果表明:(1)I478植株形态发生明显改变,主要表现出株高、穗位高显著增加,气生根颜色发生改变;(2)I478的果穗性状总体变好,果穗长度、行粒数、穗粒数、穗粒重等性状极显著优于自交系掖478,但其果穗穗行数显著少于自交系掖478;(3)I478的主要生育时期如抽雄期、开花期、成熟期显著迟于自交系掖478;(4)自交系掖478配制组合的穗行数、穗粗、出籽率的平均值大于突变体I478配制组合的相应性状的平均值,突变体I478配制组合的单穗重、穗长、行粒数、百粒重、秃顶长度大于自交系掖478配制组合的相应性状的平均值。突变体I478一般配合力好,组合I478×N172单穗重量极显著高于临奥1号,单穗重量比临奥1号增加9.6%,可继续对该组合进行鉴定。 The mutant I478 was succeeded by using the dry maize seeds of inbred lineye 478 irradiated with 7Li heavy ions. In this paper, the comparative tests of the main agronomic traits and their combining ability between inbred line Ye 478 and its mutant I478 were carried out in the field. The results are as follows : ( 1 ) There are obvious changes in the plant morphology of the mutant I478 compared with the inbred line Ye 478. It mainly shows that the significant increase of plant height and ear height, the color of aerial root changed. (2) Ear characters of the mutant I478 generally change for the better, ear length, kernel number per row, grain number per spike, grain weight per spike and other characters are highly significantly better than those of the inbred line Ye 478. But the kernel rows per ear is opposite. (3) Main growth stages of the mutant I478, such as tasselling stage, flowering stage, maturity stage, are significantly later than those of the inbred line Ye 478. (4) The averages of the kernel rows per ear, ear diameter, kernel weight percentage of hybrid combination made from the inbred line Ye 478 are more than that of hybrid combination made from the mutant I478. But the averages of single ear weight, ear length, kernels number per row, 100- grain weight, bald length of ear of hybrid combination made from the mutation I478 are more than that of hybrid combination made from the inbred line Ye 478. The general combining abilities of the mutation" I478 is high, single ear weight of the cross combination ( 1478 × N172) is very significantly higher than the hybrid combination Lin' ao No. 1, by the increased ratio of 9.6 %. So we should continue to identify it.
出处 《激光生物学报》 CAS CSCD 2010年第5期617-621,633,共6页 Acta Laser Biology Sinica
基金 湖南省科技支撑计划项目(2008NK2002) 湖南省科技人才专项计划项目(2009RS3007) 长沙市重点项目(K0902151-61)
关键词 玉米 突变体 重离子诱变 1478 杂种优势 maize mutant heavy ion irradiation I478 heterosis
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