目的 探讨〈中华行为医学与脑科学杂志〉(CJBMBS)2009年载文情况.方法 以CJBMBS2009年刊出的所有论文为研究对象,分析载文量、载文栏目、载文刊出形式及引文量等.结果 CJBMBS2009年共发刊12期,1152页,共载文445篇.每期平均载文37.08篇,平均每篇2.59页.篇密度为0.3863,信息密度为6.181.基础研究性稿件占18.20%;临床研究性稿件占34.38%;卫生预防稿件占28.09%;心理行为评估类稿件占6.07%;专论类稿件占4.72;综述8.09%.共引文5252篇,平均每篇引文11.80条;综述等其他类稿件最高引文达34.67条,而短篇报告类稿件最高引文仅10.43条.普赖斯指数平均值为58.13%;综述等其他类稿件中文引文率最低,为22.52%,短篇报告类稿件最高,为68.78%;平均自引率为17.86%.结论 CJBMBS 2009年具有丰富的信息资源;载文刊出形式以论著为主;引文量高于我国科学论文平均篇引文量;普赖斯指数高于各学科科技期刊普赖斯指数的平均值;自引率适中.
Objective Analysis Chinese Journal Of Behavioral Medicine And Brain Science articles (CJBMBS) in 2009 year. Methods All the articles in CJBMBS which were published periodically on 12 issues in 2009 distribute were taken as the object, papers such as the Notices,Posters and Conferences were not included.Analysis the number of articles published, the article columns, the articles published style and the quotation quantity and so on. Results The CJBMBS in 2009 year altogether published 445 pieces papers, 12 issues, 1152 pages. Each issue carries articles 37.08 pieces equally and each article averages 2.59 pages. The density of each article is 0.3863,the information density is 6.181. The foundation investigative manuscripts account for 18.20%;the clinical investigative manuscripts account for 34.38%; the sanitary precaution manuscripts accounts for 28.09% ;the psychological behavior appraisal class manuscripts account for 6.07%;the monograph class manuscript accounts for 4.72; Summarizes 8.09%. The quotation quantity are 5252,each article' s quotation averages 11.80;The quotation quantity differs greatly, review articles' are the highest to be 34.67, while the short articles' are the lowest to be 10.43. The Pryse index mean value is 58.13%. The review articles' cited frequency is lowest to be 22.52% ,and that of short article report is highest to be 68.78%;the average self cited frequency is 17.86%.Conclusions CJBMBS in 2009 has plentiful information resources;among the total published articles papers are the chief.The quotation quantity per article is higher than average quotation quantity in scientific article in China. The Pryse index is higher than the mean value of various scientific and technology disciplines. Self cited frequency is moderate.
Chinese Journal of Behavioral Medicine and Brain Science
Number of articles published
Pryse index
Cited quantity
Self cited frequency