目的总结2008年12月~2010年2月我科入住的39例脊髓损伤(SCI)患者实施间歇性清洁导尿配合穴位按摩其排尿功能恢复的效果。方法选择脊髓损伤的患者,根据残余尿量制定导尿次数,每天1~5次不等,并为其制定饮水计划;配合按摩气海、关元、中级、曲骨、归来、会阴等穴位。当残余尿量低于100ml,治疗成功,停止导尿与按摩。结果 39例脊髓损伤患者中有34例治疗成功,2例实施2~3天出现高热而停止,3例因经济原因提前出院,教会家属间歇导尿方法,1个月后电话随访,2例治疗成功,1例尿失禁,使用尿套。结论间歇性清洁导尿配合穴位按摩为脊髓损伤患者建立了规律自主排尿,解决患者因排尿障碍带来的生活困扰,大大提高其生活质量。
Objective To summary the effectivity of bradder function recovery to treat 39 patients with spinal cord injuries (SCI) with intermittence clean catheterication and point massage, who were treated in Foshan Hospital of TCM from December 2008 to February 2009. Methods The patients were treated with intermittence clean catheterication 1 - 5 times a day according to residual urine volume, with drinking plan made and with point massage, such as Qihai, Guanyuan, Zhongji, Qugu, Guilai, Huiyin. When the residual urine volume was lower than 100 ml, it succeeded. And then stopped treatment. Results 34 patients succeed. 2 patients were stopped because of fever in 2 - 3 days. 3 patients left hospital early because of money, whose familiality was taught with the method, and 2 patients succeed, the other one was urinary incontinence. Conclusion Intermittence clean catheterication and point massage make the SCI patients urinate regularly independently, solve the problem of disability urination, and improve their quality of life.
Clinical Medicine & Engineering
Spinal cord injuries
Intermittence clean catheterication
Point massage