
Ca_5(AsO_4)_3OH的溶解度与稳定性研究 被引量:1

Solubility and stability of Ca_5(AsO_4)_3OH
摘要 通过在不同pH值,温度等条件下Ca5(AsO4)3OH的溶解,确定其稳定存在的pH值范围,得出它的溶度积和生成的自由能(ΔG0f)。结果表明,Ca5(AsO4)3OH在水中的溶解度和稳定范围与pH和温度有关,在酸性条件下(初始pH=2)它的溶解度较大,而且在水中的溶解度随着温度的升高而降低。利用PHREEQC程序计算确定Ca5(AsO4)3OH的溶度积为10-40.86,生成自由能ΔG0f为-5 063.53 kJ/mol。利用JADE5软件计算得到其晶格参数a=b=9.696,c=6.967和晶胞体积为567.304 3。 Solubility of Ca5(AsO4)3OH was studied at different pH and temperatures to get its solubility product(Ksp) and formation free energy(ΔG0f).The results showed that the solubility and stability of Ca5(AsO4)3OH were related to pH and temperature.The solubility of Ca5(AsO4)3OH was high in acidic environment(initial pH=2) and reduced with increasing temperature.PHREEQC program was applied to calculate the solubility product and formation free energy of Ca5(AsO4)3OH,which were determined to be 10-40.86 and-5 063.53 kJ/mol,respectively.JADE5 software was applied and determined that the crystal lattice parameters were a=b=9.696 ,c=6.967  and the unit cell volume was 567.304 3.
出处 《环境工程学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2010年第11期2419-2424,共6页 Chinese Journal of Environmental Engineering
基金 国家自然科学基金资助项目(40773059/D0309)
关键词 Ca5(AsO4)3OH 溶解度 生成自由能 Ca5(AsO4)3OH solubility free energy of formation
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