Wudu water diversion project is a large scale backbone hydraulic project in north-western Sichuan.In the course of construction,Wenchuan Earthquake caused damage to different degrees to over 40 structures completed or under construction.Seismic analysis and safety evaluation was carried out by using ground motion parameters given by re-evaluation.Results indicated that these typical dam blocks can meet the seismic design requirements when subject to action with fortification acceleration 2.56 m/s2 if the one-dimensional cantilever method suggested by the Chinese standards is adopted,while plane finite element method showed that limits of tensile stress may be exceeded in some local areas.These cases show that these areas,especially the dam crest,are the weakest points in seismic action and special attention should be paid to them during design.So it is suggested to increase the strength grade of concrete adjacent to the changing point of the downstream surface in slope as well as the juncture of the guiding wall and side wall of the overflow section.
Journal of Catastrophology