
Two new species of Sellaphora(Bacillariophyta) from a deep oligotrophic plateau lake,Lake Fuxian in subtropical China 被引量:1

Two new species of Sellaphora(Bacillariophyta) from a deep oligotrophic plateau lake,Lake Fuxian in subtropical China
摘要 We describe two new species of Sellaphora from Lake Fuxian, Ytmnan Plateau, China. Based on both light and scanning electron microscopy, these species are described as S. yunnanensis sp. nov. and S. sinensis sp. nov. The primary features of S. yunnanens& are: elliptical to linear-elliptical valves with broadly rounded ends, straight filiform raphe, almost straight central endings and small, slightly expanding central pores, small central area, symmetrical or slightly asymmetrical central nodule. The primary features of S. sinensis are: elliptical valves, obtusely rounded ends, similar raphe and axial area, transapically less expanded central area, larger, elliptical central nodule. We compare these species to those of a similar shape and morphology. We describe two new species of Sellaphora from Lake Fuxian,Yunnan Plateau,China.Based on both light and scanning electron microscopy,these species are described as S.yunnanensis sp.nov.and S.sinensis sp.nov.The primary features of S.yunnanensis are:elliptical to linear-elliptical valves with broadly rounded ends,straight filiform raphe,almost straight central endings and small,slightly expanding central pores,small central area,symmetrical or slightly asymmetrical central nodule.The primary features of S.sinensis are:elliptical valves,obtusely rounded ends,similar raphe and axial area,transapically less expanded central area,larger,elliptical central nodule.We compare these species to those of a similar shape and morphology.
出处 《Chinese Journal of Oceanology and Limnology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2010年第6期1160-1165,共6页 中国海洋湖沼学报(英文版)
基金 Supported by the National Basic Research Program (973 Program) (No.2010CB833404) the Knowledge Innovation Program of the Chinese Academy of Sciences (Nos. KZCX2-YW-319 and KZCX1-YW-14) the National Natural Science Foundation of China (No. 40972114)
关键词 China DIATOM Lake Fuxian new species Sellaphora Yunnan Plateau 中亚热带 高原 硅藻 新种 中国 贫营养 扫描电子显微镜 冬虫夏草菌
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