
领导部属交换与组织自尊及工作满意度的关系研究 被引量:2

Relationship in Leader-Subordinate Role Exchange,Organization-Based Self-Esteem and Job Satisfaction
摘要 采用定量的研究方法,探讨了中国民营企业经理人的领导部属交换与工作满意度的关系,特别是组织自尊在两者关系中的中介作用。本文通过问卷调查民营企业324位经理人,并运用多元回归和层次回归对假设模型进行了检验。实证结果显示,领导部属交换与经理人的工作满意度呈正相关关系,经理人的组织自尊在领导部属交换与经理人的工作满意度之间起部分中介作用。研究表明,我国民营企业的领导要与其经理人下属建立高质量的交换关系,而且要在关系构建中通过信号显示让经理人感觉到自己对组织的重要性,从而通过让经理人的组织自尊的提升来提高其工作满意度。 This study is based on quantitative research methods to explore the relationship between leader-subordinate role exchange and job satisfaction of managers in Chinese private enterprises, especially the mediating role of organization-based self-esteem in the relationship between those two constructs. This study has adopted 324 managers' samples of Chinese private enterprises and tested hypothesis model by multi regression and hieratical regression statistics. Results have showed that leader-subordinate exchange was positively related to job satisfaction, and organization-based self-esteem of managers plays a part in mediated the relationship between LSX and managers' job satisfaction. This study has also proved that leaders in Chinese private enterprise should built high-quality relationship with the subordinates, and strengthen their organizational-based self-esteem by sending signal to make them believe they are important and valuable within the organizations, which in turn maintain their job satisfaction.
作者 黄嘉欣
出处 《广州番禺职业技术学院学报》 2010年第5期45-50,共6页 Guangzhou Panyu Polytechnic
基金 广州番禺职业技术学院院级科研项目"高等职业技术学院毕业生就业满意度测评研究"(Q07-03)
关键词 领导部属交换 组织自尊 工作满意度 leader- subordinate exchange organization-based self-esteem job satisfaction
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