

Optimization Design of Key Material's Elastic Distribution Network
摘要 任何物流网络都无法完全避免因自然灾害、运营意外等因素引发的物流网络节点失效事件,而一旦发生失效事件,相关企业极有可能会因关键物资供应中断而遭受巨大损失。在设计关键物资分销网络阶段即事先考虑物流节点失效事件并对运营策略进行安排,建立一个有恢复时限限制的弹性物流分销网络模型,以此确定关键物资分销网络中各种设施的数量和位置,并合理分配物流量,以使分销网络在突发失效事件的情况下能够及时恢复正常供应,并使各种设施的投资和运营成本之和最小。 No logistics distribution network can avoid node's inoperative affair caused by natural calamities,operational thunderbolts and contrived events completely,and once it happened,related enterprises will suffer tremendous loses because of supply disruption.In the process of optimizing logistics distribution network,the influences of node's inoperative affair and the corresponding operation tactics are taken into account in this article in advance,an optimal model of logistics distribution network having the constraint of allowable recovery time is built,the number and the locations of various facilities,the allocation of corresponding goods flows are decided upon hereby,so that the logistics distribution network can recover to normal supply in time even in the case of node's inoperative affair.The objective is minimizing the sum of investment and operational costs.
出处 《交通科技与经济》 2010年第6期51-53,共3页 Technology & Economy in Areas of Communications
关键词 物流节点 失效事件 弹性分销网络 优化 node inoperative affair elastic distribution networki optimization
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