

The Evaluation Method and Cases Study of Pollutants Transfer Embodied in Inter-province Coal Trade
摘要 省际贸易带来的污染转移问题尚未得到足够重视和研究。本文利用相关的数据,从工业废水量、化学需氧量、石油类和工业固体废物(煤矸石)4个指标对省际原煤贸易中的污染转移进行了定量化分析,初步建立了省际原煤贸易中污染转移量评价的方法,并选择原煤调出量大的山西省和调入量大的山东进行案例研究。结果表明,2006年山西因省际原煤贸易而多产生的工业废水量、化学需氧量(CODcr)、石油类和工业固体废物(煤矸石)分别为44 686.37-50 044.97万t、68 036.7-77 509.4t、2 172.4-2 253.9t和3 607.52-4 021.20万t,实际多排放的工业废水量、CODcr和石油类分别为16 434.04-19 450.01万t、8 818.8-13 215.9t和487.2-557.3 t;而山东因省际原煤贸易而少产生的工业废水量、CODcr、石油类和工业固体废物(煤矸石)分别为39 706.51-48 204.30万t、48 301.4-52 350.5 t、1 068.8-1 120.4 t和1 756.68-1 943.66万t,实际少排放的工业废水量、CODcr和石油类分别为20 868.53-29 041.92万t、10 102.2-12 764.0 t和328.7-379.6 t。 Pollutants embodied in inter-province trade has not been paid much attention to and well studied.The paper develops a method to evaluate the pollutants embodied in inter-province coal trade in four aspects-industrial wastewater,CODcr,petroleum and industrial solid waste(coal gangue) on the basis of related data.Shanxi Province,which traded out large amount of coal to other provinces,and Shandong Province,which traded into large amount of coal, are taken as cases.The result shows that,in 2006,industrial wastewater,CODcr,petroleum and industrial solid waste(coal gangue) generated in Shanxi due to inter-province coal trade amounted to 446.863 7 million-500.449 7 million t,68 036.7-77 509.4 t,2 172.4-2 253.9 t and 36.075 2 million40.212 million t respectively,industrial wastewater,CODcr and petroleum discharged in Shanxi province due to inter-province coal trade amounted to 164.340 4 million194.500 1 million t,8 818.8-13 215.9 t and 487.2-557.3 t respectively.Shandong avoids producing 397.065 1 million482.043 million t industrial wastewater,48 301.4-52 350.5 t CODcr,1 068.8-1 120.4 t petroleum and 17.566 8 million19.436 6 million t industrial solid waste(coal gangue),and discharging 208.685 3 million290.419 2 million t industrial wastewater,10 102.2-12 764.0 t CODcr and 328.7-379.6 t petroleum as a result of inter-province coal trade.
出处 《中国人口·资源与环境》 CSSCI 北大核心 2010年第11期84-90,共7页 China Population,Resources and Environment
基金 国家社科重大基金项目"建设资源节约型与环境友好型社会的理论与政策研究"(编号:06&ZD024) 国家自然科学基金项目(编号:70871025)资助
关键词 污染转移 省际间 山西 山东 pollution transfer inter-province trade Shanxi Province Shandong Province
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