
磷屏的线性、饱和、衰减特性 被引量:2

Linearity,Saturation and Fading Characteristics of Phosphor Screens
摘要 对241Am1、4C和137Cs 3种核素在PE公司3种磷屏上的放射自显影性能进行了研究,并提出了一种估算曝光时间上限值的方法。从曝光时间角度研究了磷屏对α、β、γ射线的线性特性和饱和特性,结果表明磷屏上无饱和点出现时,3种磷屏都具有良好的线性特性。研究了α、β、γ射线在磷屏上所成影像光强度随时间的衰减性能,表明磷屏的衰减现象是普遍存在的,开始阶段衰减较快,此后衰减速度逐渐变慢。在用磷屏进行放射自显影研究时,一般在曝光后应立即扫描。 The autoradiography behaviors of three kinds of radionuclides 241Am,14C and 137Cs on three types of phosphor screens(PerkinElmer Co.) have been studied.A method has been provided to estimate the upper limit of exposure time with the aim at avoiding the saturation of screen.All the three types of screens show good linearity to alpha,beta or gamma radiations before saturation.It is common that the stored signals of phosphor screens fade with time after irradiation,with higher speed at first and lower speed afterwards.It is recommended that the screen be scanned immediately after irradiation.
出处 《核化学与放射化学》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2010年第5期293-298,共6页 Journal of Nuclear and Radiochemistry
关键词 磷屏 放射自显影 线性特性 饱和 衰减 phosphor screen autoradiography linear characteristic saturation fading
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