For exploration of in - depth problems arising in translation of township hospitals' single public ownership into diversified ownership, five township hospitals adopting a joint - stock system in the Dachuan Area of Sichuan Province were investigated with regard to a number of issues: the objective bases and direct intentions for their employing the joint - stock system; public budgetary constraints means additional funding and cost sharing methods have to be sought to ensure provision of services; differences in operational models and details of joint - stock system between the five township hospitals in different locations; present and potential roles and performances of these township hospitals in the execution of basic package of services and public health tasks, under directions and consultations provided, when and where needed, by concerned governmental institutions; workable structural, functional, or voluntary cooperation and partnership relations with other health institutions, e. g.,in terms of two - way referral, information and communication, integration or delegation; further accumulation and summarization of practical experiences while present, new and continuing reform initiatives, outcomes and benefits are researched conscientiously.
Chinese Hospital Management
UNDP/word Bank/WHO热带病研究与培训特别项目资助