阳蝇属HelinaR.-D.是蝇科Muscidae中仅次于棘蝇属PhaoniaR.-D.的第2大属,初步统计全世界总计699种,我国已知有223种(含本文记述1新种),其中37种分布于世界各地,186种为中国特产种,也是我国专家自主鉴定命名的新种。本文记述了1新种,即眼毛长阳蝇Helina dasyodolychomma Feng,NietYe,sp.nov.。模式标本保存于北京军事医学科学院微生物流行病研究所医学昆虫标本馆。
The genus Helina R.-D. belongs to Phaoniini of Phaoniinae of Muscidae, and is the second largest genus in Muscidae. Up to date, 699 species in the genus Helina R.-D. are known in the world, among them, 223 species (including the new species in this paper) were described in China, accounting 31.9% for the world, in which 186 species were identifies and named by Chinese scholars since reform and opening up of 1978. Make up 83.3% of known species in China. 37 species distributes all over the world, 186 species are endemic in China, which means the abundance, complexity and diversity of the genus Helina in China.
In this paper, a new species, Helina dasyodolychomma sp. nov. is described and illustrated. The type specimens are deposited in the Medical Entomological collection, Institute of Microbiology and Epidemiology, Military Medical Academy of Sciences, Beijing, China.
Helina dasyodolychomma Feng, Ni et Ye, sp. nov. Type examined: Holotype f , t3arkam (31~43'N, 102~32'E, alt. 2300 m), Sichuan province, China, 24 July 1978, coll. by Ni tao. Etymonogy: The specific name is a noun in apposition and derived from the Greek words "dasy" = hairy, "dolych" = long and "omm" = ocular, referring the type specimen eyes covered with densely long hairs especially. Description and Diagnosis : Male : Body and wings length about 7.0 mm, black dark. This new species is similar to Heli- na annosa (Zetterstedt, 1838 ), but can be distinguished from the latter by the following characters: 1 ) 1 st sternite bare; 2) Hind tibia with 3 -4 p on distal half; 3 ) outer margin accessory with a small lobe on lateral ones of 5th sternite respectively in ventral view; 4) premargin straightly of cerci on distal part in lateral view. Female: Unknown.
Sichuan Journal of Zoology
new species