
滞留的双重意向性与直观原则 被引量:1

Double Intentions of Consciousness and Principle of Intuition
摘要 描述心理学中的范畴直观由于内感知(反思)的对象化,以及被代现者在显现上的同时性悖论而陷入了困境。胡塞尔在内时间意识研究中提出的滞留的横的和纵的意向性,以及作为这双重意向性之成就的横的和纵的本质直观的目的即在于解决这两个难题。而这两种新的直观便构成了纯粹现象学的核心原则,即观念化的本质直观的确切含义。 The category perception in description psychology falls into the dilemma due to the subject tendency of inter perception and the paradox of synehroneity for the displayed. The detained horizontal and vertical intentions that Husserl put forward in his research of inter-time consciousness and the horizontal and vertical essence perceptions as the achieve- ment of the double intentions aim to solve the two problems. Therefore, the two new perceptions constitute the core principle of pure phenomenoloaw, i. e.. the exact meaning of conceptualized essence nercention.
作者 马迎辉
出处 《江苏行政学院学报》 CSSCI 北大核心 2010年第6期5-11,共7页 The Journal of Jiangsu Administration Institute
关键词 内感知 横的意向性 纵的意向性 本质直观 Inter Perception Horizonlal Intention Vertical Intention Essence Perception
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