
深圳社区医院医务工作者HIV职业暴露防护知识、态度、信念和行为调查 被引量:2

Investigation on Knowledge, Attitudes, Beliefs and Practice of Medical Workers in Community Hospital towards Occupational Exposure to HIV Prevention
摘要 目的了解深圳社区医院医务人员HIV职业暴露防护知识、态度、信念和行为(KABP),为特区卫生行政部门制定相关政策提供科学依据。方法采用整体抽样方法,抽取深圳市某区社康中心29家258名医务人员,用自制调查表对其进行HIV职业暴露防护知识KABP调查。结果①仅有34.62%的被调查人员参加过与HIV职业暴露防护知识相关的培训班或讲座。②社区医院医务人员艾滋病职业暴露防护知识总体知晓率为77.13%;③67.83%的医务人员知道用过后的锐利废弃物正确处理方式。病人的分泌物或血液意外溅入眼、鼻、口后,81.40%的医务人员知道正确的处理方式。结论深圳社区医院医务人员HIV职业暴露防护知识总体水平有待提高,HIV职业暴露感染风险较大,应加强医务人员HIV职业暴露防护知识培训教育,以减少职业性损伤。 [Objective] To understand the knowledge, attitudes, beliefs and practice (KABP) of medical workers in community hospital towards occupational exposure to HIV prevention, and provide scientific evidence for health administrative departments of special region to develop relevant policies .[Methods]Overall sampling method was used to select 258 medical workers in 29 community health centers in a district of Shenzhen City. The self-designed questionnaire was adopted for KABP investigation of HIV occupational protection knowledge.[Results]①Only 34.62% of the medical workers had taken part in training courses or seminars of HIV occupational protection knowledge. ②The total awareness of HIV occupational protection knowledge among them was 77.13%.③ 67.83% of them could take right measures of handling sharp medical garbage, and81.40% could rightly handle the situation that patient's secretions or blood splash into their eyes, nose, or mouths.[Conclusion]The overall level of HIV occupational protection knowledge among medical workers in community hospital needs to be improve. With the high risk of occupational exposure to HIV, it is necessary to strengthen the training and education of HIV occupational protection knowledge to reduce the occupational injuries.
出处 《职业与健康》 CAS 2010年第23期2738-2740,共3页 Occupation and Health
关键词 医务人员 HIV 职业暴露 防护 知识 态度 信念 行为 Medical worker HIV Occupational exposure Protection Knowledge Attitude Beliefs Behavior
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