
瓜尔胶对木薯淀粉糊流变特性的影响 被引量:14

Effect of Guar Gum on Rheological Properties of Tapioca Starch Past
摘要 研究了瓜尔胶对木薯淀粉糊流变特性的影响,其中木薯淀粉与瓜尔胶的质量比为6.0:0,5.7:0.3,5.4:0.6,样品质量分数为6%。静态流变特性测定结果表明;在实验条件内,不同木薯淀粉与瓜尔胶质量比的淀粉糊的流变模型为幂率模型,均为假塑性流体。动态黏弹性测定结果表明:瓜尔胶的加入使淀粉凝胶的储能模量(G')增大,损耗角正切(tanδ)降低,并且随着瓜尔胶含量的增加,这种趋势加大,这说明加入瓜尔胶的凝胶呈现趋于固体的性质。 Effect of guar gum(GG) on rheological properties of tapioca starch(TS) paste was investigated. The different ratios of TS/GG is 6.0/0,5.7/0.3,5.4/0.6,and total solid content in the gel was adjusted to 6%. The result of static rheological properties investigation showed that the power law model was observed in all starch pastes and they were all pseudoplastic fluid. Results of dynamic viscoelasticity measurement indicated that guar gum increased the storage modulus(G') ,but decreased Dynamic mechanical loss langents (tanS). The trend increased as the guar gum content increased. This suggested that the starch-guar pastes behaved more solid-like characteristics.
出处 《食品与发酵工业》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2010年第10期39-41,共3页 Food and Fermentation Industries
基金 广东省产学研结合项目(2009B090300272) 广东省科技攻关项目(2008B021100016 2009B020312006) 华南理工大学中央高校基本科研业务费资助项目(2009ZM0124)
关键词 木薯淀粉 瓜尔胶 动态黏弹性 储能模量 耗能模量 tapioca starch,guar gum,dynamic viscoelasticity,storage modulus,loss modulus
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