
关节镜下修复半月板损伤69例评价 被引量:5

Evaluation of 69 cases using Fast-Fix all-inside meniscal repair device to repair meniscal injury
摘要 目的评价半月板快速缝合装置在关节镜下半月板损伤修复中的应用。方法选择该院收治的MRI检查确认半月板撕裂患者69例。术中应用Fast-Fix缝合半月板撕裂。术后根据MRI随访,并进行膝关节Lysholm评分及膝关节半月板损伤后JOY疗效评分。结果 Fast-Fix半月板缝合系统适用于大多数类型半月板撕裂。患者平均随访15个月,术后3个月MRI复查,半月板愈合率92%。术后患者的膝关节Lysholm评分、JOY疗效评分显著高于术前(P<0.01),疗效优良率为88%。结论应用半月板快速缝合装置在关节镜下行半月板撕裂缝合,操作简单,损伤小,固定牢靠,术后半月板愈合率高,是一种方便、有效的完全关节镜下半月板缝合装置。 【Objective】To evaluate Fast-Fix arthroscopic meniscal repair systems and analyze the relation of operation skill and meniscal rehabilitation.【Methods】69 patients from our hospital with meniscal injury repaired by Fast-Fix arthroscopic meniscal repair systems were evalued by MRI, Lysholm system and knee symptom.【Results】 Most of meniscal injury were repaired by Fast-Fix all-inside meniscal repair device, and 3 months after repaired by Fast-Fix arthroscopic meniscal repair systems, 92% of 69 patients abserved by MRI were heal, 88% were perfect. 【Conclusions】Fast-Fix all-inside meniscal repair device is a good system for meniscal injury, not only because its easily operate but perfect rehabilitation.
出处 《中国内镜杂志》 CSCD 北大核心 2010年第10期1066-1068,共3页 China Journal of Endoscopy
基金 中国博士后科学基金资助(No:20080430810)
关键词 半月板 关节镜 半月板快速缝合装置 meniscus arthroscope Fast-Fix
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