
反应选项对时序知觉重复启动效应的影响 被引量:3

The Influence of Response Options on Repetition Priming Effect on Temporal Order Perception
摘要 先前研究采用两项反应任务发现了时序知觉重复启动效应,这可能是反应选项导致的虚假效应,本研究采用三项反应任务对此进行了检验。实验1运用三项判断任务以消除缺乏中间选项所致的反应偏向,结果发现重复启动显著影响"哪个图形先出现"和"两个图形同时出现"的时序判断;实验2在实验1的基础上对"同时出现"反应选项进行两种指导语操作,实验结果不仅与实验1一致,而且"有把握时判断为同时出现"和"有无把握都判断为同时出现"之间没有显著差异,说明被试能够识别时序加以判断,不支持反应偏向的前提条件。因此,时序知觉重复启动效应不是反应选项产生的反应偏向引发的虚假效应,重复启动对"系列性"和"同时性"时序知觉都存在显著影响。 Past research has found repetition priming effects in temporal order perception using binary temporal order judgments. However, according to a response bias explanation, such are caused by response biases derived from response options. In the present study, this hypothesis was tested in two experiments using ternary temporal order judgments. Targets in each experiment were composed of pairs of figure stimuli: a square and a diamond. The two visual targets were presented either above or below the center of the screen at short temporal intervals or simultaneously. If primed, one of the targets was preceded by a repetition prime. In Experiment 1 20 participants were instructed to make ternary temporal order judgments including "a square appeared first", "a diamond appeared first" and "a square and a diamond appeared simultaneously". Experiment 2 explored the impact of restricting the use of "appearing simultaneously" judgments. In the condition with a restrictive instruction, 14 participants were asked to use "appearing simultaneously" judgments only if they had undoubtedly perceived simultaneous presentations. In the unrestricted condition they could indicate perceived simultaneity as well as uncertainty with "appearing simultaneously" judgments. The research results in two important findings: First, there were significant repetition priming effects on temporal order perception with ternary temporal order judgments in both experiments. Furthermore, the influence of repetition priming was involved in the perception of both simultaneity in Experiments 1 and 2. Based on these findings, it can be concluded that the repetition priming effect on temporal order perception was not the false effect caused by response option bias, and that temporal order perception of both simultaneity and order had repetition priming effects.
作者 张锋 黄希庭
出处 《心理学报》 CSSCI CSCD 北大核心 2010年第11期1033-1039,共7页 Acta Psychologica Sinica
关键词 重复启动 时序 知觉 反应选项 repetition priming temporal order perception response option
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