In the article, we used PCR - gel elec-trophoresis method to determine the number of repeat of P(CGG) n.We have 126 normal X chromosomes and 18 X chromosomes obtained from fra (X)families.The result implies ①In normal people, the most mean number of CGG repeat is (CGG) 28, the normal range is (CGG) 21- (CGG) 41. In normal individuals the FMR - 1 gene expands in stable fashion, from the parent to offsprings. ② In Fragile X individuals, the repeated sequences not only expand abnormally but are unstable and the degree ofimpairment in offspring may vary. In fra(X) families, all mothers are normal transmitting females, their pre-mutation turns to full mutation during the process of meiosis of the ovum, thus it leads to abnormal offsprings. The rare genetic character of fra(X) is that there are NTFs and NTMs, their pre - mutation may be transmitted to their grandsons and great - grandsons through their daugh-ters. ③The study of NTFs and NTMs has great clinical value. ④ The method is simple and easy to be performed.It can be used in screening in the high - risk people. It also gives an evidence for clinical genetic counseling and prenatal diagnosis.
Chinese Journal of Family Planning
Fragile X syndrome The number of CGG repeat PCR - gel electrophoresis NTFs (Normal transmitting females) NTMs (Normal transmitting males) Prenatal diagnosis