In the wake of global economic recession and consequent weakness in ethylene capacity growth and market demand,the world cracker operating rate in 2009 was only 84.2%.Aglobal ethylene glut continues.The surplus is approximately 15 million tons,representing 13.4% of global demand.Most planned Middle East ethylene projects have been postponed.Most of the new capacity in the Asia-Pacific region is in China.Ethylene capacity has grown rapidly in China and Saudi Arabia,consolidating those countries' status as major refiners.The scale and degree of concentration continue togrow.The world had 266 ethylene plants in 2009.Average scale is 500,000 tons per year,increasing by 4.0% year-over-year.Huge international petroleum and petrochemical companies are still the main providers.The capacity of the world's top 10 ethylene companies is 61.218 million tons,representing 46.0% of total world capacity in 2009.The Middle East enjoys a remarkable cost advantage in ethylene production.Global ethylene capacity will grow steadily inthe next 5 years,with additions mainly in the Middle East and the Asia-Pacific region.Northeast Asia will becomethe biggest ethylene demand area,accounting for 25% of total demand compared to 21% in 2000.The Middle Eastwill rise to 16% from 7%,while North America falls to 24% from 33%.The addition of Middle East and Asia-Pacific capacity will force some uncompetitive crackers to shutdown permanently.Day-to-day competition among ethylene producers will be intense,particularly to meet Chinese market demand.Mergers and reorganizations are inevitable.Management of scale and intensification will be the obvious drivers.Configuration of the global ethylene industry will change along with it.
International Petroleum Economics