Anthropologists'aim is to discover shared structures of meaning,which differed from one people or even one group to another. All parts of the shared sense of reality are called culture. People in two cultures do not have exactly the same diseases. There are many ways to divide all physical abnormalities into diseases,and people in different cultures make different choices. Belief can cause and also overcome real physical illness,for the body responds to belief and meaning. Sociologists'aim is to comprehend the structures,norms,and values of the society in which individuals live. Sociology can aid in understanding differences in the authority of doctors in different societies; authority is an important factor in their ability to cure illness. New diseases,and changes in the names of diseases,are not only based on improvements in research. Physicians,like all other members of society,respond to values that are widespread in their society. If they do not,they cannot be very successful in curing sick people.
Journal of Tsinghua University(Philosophy and Social Sciences)