
伊朗最高领袖换代问题 被引量:1

The Issue of Transition in the Institution of Supreme Leader in Iran
摘要 根据伊朗宪法规定,最高领袖掌握着国家的最高权力,这是伊朗政治体制的核心。专家委员会负责伊朗最高领袖的选举和罢免,确定国家利益委员会负责监督新旧两任最高领袖之间的权力交接,二者在伊朗最高领袖的换代问题中具有至关重要的作用。此外,宪法监护委员会与立法、司法、行政三权也对最高领袖换代问题具有影响。传统保守派、新保守派、务实保守派、务实派和改革派等不同政治派系在伊朗政治格局中实力对比和相互关系的变化,决定着最高领袖制度未来的前景。 According to the constitution,the Supreme Leader controls the supreme power in Iran.The Assembly of Experts,the Expediency Council and the Guardian Council,as well as the legislative,judicial,and executive branches of government,exert influence on the process of transition of the new supreme leader.The shifts in the relative power and relations of the political factions,which include the traditional conservatives,the new conservatives,the pragmatist conservatives,the pragmatists,and the reformists,determine the future of the institution of the Supreme Leader of Iran.
作者 吴冰冰
出处 《国际政治研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2010年第3期70-85,共16页 The Journal of International Studies
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  • 1Imam Khomeini, translated by Hamid Algar, Islamic Government: Governance of the Jurist, The Institute for Compilation and Publication of Imam Khomeini's Works, Section 3, in http://www, al-islam, org/islamicgovernment/.
  • 2Imam Khomeini, Islamic Government: Governance of the Jurist.
  • 3Bill Samii, "Iran : Assembly Election Significant Despite Heavy Vetting, " in RFERL, Nov 20, 2006, see http ://www. rferl, org/content/article/1072849, htmt.
  • 4Center for Iranian Studies, Durham University, Understanding Iran's Assembly of Experts, Policy Brief No. 1, Nov 2006, in http ://www. dur. ac. uk/resources/iranian, studies/Policy% 20Brief% 201. pdf.
  • 5Entekhab-e a'za-ye haeat-e raeis-e majles-e khobregan, in MehrNews, Feb. 20, 2007, see http://www. mehrnews, com/fa/NewsDetail, aspx? NewsID = 450924.
  • 6Vahid Sepehri, "Iran : Political Veteran to Chair Clerical Assembly, " in RFERL, Sept. 7, 2007, see http ://www. rferl, org/eontent/article/1078570, html.
  • 7Hashemi ba akthariyyat-e ara raeis-e khobregan shod, in Fardanews, March 10, 2009, see http://www. fardanews, com/fa/pages/? cid = 77939.
  • 8Babak Sarfaraz, "Iran's Next Supreme Leader?" in The Nation, July 23, 2009, see http://www, thenation, com/article/irans-next-supreme-leader.
  • 9"Iran: Rafsanjani Poised to Outflank Supreme Leader Khamenei," in EURASIANET, Jun. 21, 2009, see http ://www. eurasianet, org/departments/insightb/articles/eav062209, shtml.
  • 10Assembly of Experts, in http://www, majlesekhobregan, ir/index, php? option = corn_content&task = view&id = 753 &Itemid -- 50.










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